Chiropractic treatment is a method of adjusting the joints of the body to aid alignment and balance, which can help decrease pain and improve function. Chiropractors use a safe and gentle technique to adjust joints and restore movement. Physical stresses such as falls, poor posture and emotional stress can lead to spinal misalignment.
Which conditions can Chiropractic help?
Research indicates that chiropractic can help with a range of conditions including:
- Ankle sprain (short term management)
- Cramp
- Elbow pain and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) arising from associated musculoskeletal conditions of the back and neck, but not isolated occurrences
- Headache arising from the neck (cervicogenic)
- Inability to relax
- Joint Pains
- Joint pains including hip and knee pain from osteoarthritis as an adjunct to core OA treatments and exercise
- General, acute & chronic backache, back pain (not arising from injury or accident)
- Generalised aches and pains
- Lumbago
- Mechanical neck pain (as opposed to neck pain following injury i.e. whiplash)
- Migraine prevention
- Minor sports injuries and tensions
- Muscle spasms
- Plantar fasciitis (short term management)
- Rotor cuff injuries, diseases or disorders
- Sciatica
- Shoulder complaints (dysfunction, disorders and pain)
- Soft tissue disorders of the shoulder
As McTimoney Chiropractic (the technique used at this clinic) is very gentle, it can be used on a wide range of people, including the very young and very old.
What can I expect from my first treatment?
During the initial assessment the chiropractor will spend about one and half hours with you. This session will include:
- Taking a full case history, looking at previous and current symptoms, and talking about your general health.
- With permission a full physical assessment, to include orthopaedic and neurological tests.
- A full explanation of findings and a treatment plan will also be discussed.
- A treatment will be included in the first session.
- Aftercare advice instruction will be given.
Subsequent treatments will last from 30-45 minutes. Stretches or exercises might be prescribed by the chiropractor.
If chiropractic is not suitable for you, then you will be referred to another appropriate specialist.
How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions needed will depend on the individual, but can be dependent on a number of factors including age, extent of injury, duration of injury, general fitness and posture. In general, 4-6 sessions are recommended.